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Redispersible Polímero Em Pó
Mortar Solutions-Other Additive
Compostos de auto Nivelamento
Aditivo de Concreto permeáveis

You Can Trust Us!

Location of Factory
Our factory located in North China,Shandong Province, you can see our factory in Google Map.
More then 10 years experience in chemical additive and mortar, will help us to offer good quality products and also to you to solve the mortar problems.
Production Line
Anual Output 22000tons, morden automatically production line.
Activity Sales Team,can offer 24hous service to you.
Trade Show
There is trade shows in China and worldwide, so you may meet us in any place.
High quality service is anywhere, produce, packing,visit our factory...

Judie Chuh
Henry Mu
Miranda Zhang

Recomendar para você

US$ 1.560,00- 1.580,00
Min. Order: 3 Toneladas
US$ 1.620,00- 1.650,00
Min. Order: 3 Toneladas
US$ 1.600,00- 1.630,00
Min. Order: 3 Toneladas
US$ 1.680,00- 1.700,00
Min. Order: 3 Toneladas
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